Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Loving in Silence

It has been a month since we broke up but it still feels like it was yesterday. I still love him. But not like before that I can tell and make him feel that I love him, I am loving him in silence now.

Though the pain has vanished, it's still him I miss. Though it's been long the last time we kissed, I can still feel his lips towards mine. Guess I'll be forever be loving him. With all my soul, with all my heart...

Pero char lang nah. Haha:D Nyay! Irish? Emo? Oh common..:)

I'm actually and totally happy with my life right now. Very stress-free. Just hang out with friends, and siblings. Thank God the burden was lighten...Thank God I was able to love myself more than I have ever loved anyone else in this world.

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